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Sunday Worship
Please join us as at 10 am Sunday mornings to hear Rev. Dr. Paul Rodey's message. All welcome. Our Sanctuary and hall are accessible and air conditioned. Coffee hour follows the service, in the hall.
Soup & Sandwiches, Planning Meeting
Sunday, January 12 -- We will have soup and sandwiches after the service followed by a Planning Meeting.
Monday, January 13 -- There will be a UCW Meeting at 1:30 pm. All ladies of the congregation are invited and encouraged to attend.
Kitchen Cleaning
Saturday, January 25 -- Beginning at 9 am, we will be cleaning the kitchen. Volunteers welcome.
We will celebrate the first Communion of 2025 on Sunday, January 26.
Hall Rentals
Our hall is now available for special occasion rentals. Please contact the office for details. Email:, or (519) 723-2284.